Promotion of Warsaw among the participants of the International School of Hydrology
On 23.05.2019 as part of our cooperation with the Polish Academy of Sciences we had a chance to promote Warsaw and its conference potential among the participants of the International School of Hydrology. The aim of the event, which took place in Łąck outside of Warsaw, was to bring students and professors together to facilitate the communication and knowledge transfer within the field of hydrology.
It was also an opportunity for the organizers to promote the forthcoming 6th IAHR (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research) Europe Congress which will take place on 30.06 – 02.07.2020 in Warsaw.
Having presented Warsaw as an attractive destination for scientists to connect and share expertise hopefully Warsaw Convention Bureau has encouraged more participants to attend next year’s event.
During the networking session we were also able to reach out to the internationally active representatives of Polish scientific community and present our range of support for any events they might consider organising in Warsaw for their foreign counterparts. The promotional stand and presentation were delivered as part of Warsaw Congress Ambassador Program.