2024 Congress Ambassadors Gala Hosted in Katowice
On March 21, 2024, the Silesian region hosted the Congress Ambassadors Gala, an event organized by the Poland Convention Bureau, part of the Polish Tourist Organization, the Association of Conferences and Congresses in Poland, and the Silesia Convention Bureau. The gala took place at the Walcownia Museum of Metallurgy and Zinc in Katowice, a venue known for its unique post-industrial ambiance.
Katowice, for the third time, was the center of the Congress Ambassadors Programme’s celebrations, continuing the tradition established in the events of 2015 and 2019. The gala aimed to honor individuals who have made significant contributions to positioning Poland as a leading destination for international congresses and conferences.
Honored Congress Ambassadors
The Warsaw Convention Bureau recognized five nominated ambassadors at this year’s gala. These individuals have demonstrated exceptional dedication and have significantly enhanced Poland’s visibility on the international stage. Congratulations to:
- Dr. hab. Mirosław Jarosiński, Warsaw School of Economics
- Dr. hab. Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
- Prof. dr hab. Justyna Kowalska, Warsaw Medical University
- Dr. n. med. Jacek Mazek, Independent Public Clinical Hospital named after A. Grucy in Otwock
- Mr. Piotr Węgrzyn, President of the Candela Foundation
The event also featured a performance by the Śląsk Song and Dance Ensemble, which highlighted the Silesian region’s rich cultural heritage.
We are thankful to our consortium partners and everyone who contributed to the success of this event. The Warsaw Convention Bureau remains committed to promoting Poland as a premier destination for congresses and conferences.