utworzone przez Dominika Pawlowska | lip 8, 2021
Warsaw CvB at IBTM Wired 2021 On 28.06 – 01.07.2021 Warsaw Convention Bureau represented Warsaw at IBTM Wired. For the first time, the IBTM Events Portfolio was coming together for a landmark four days virtual event in 2021 to provide an access to every single member...
utworzone przez Filip Płodzień | cze 29, 2020
Sanitized Venue programme by Polish Tourism Organisation Polish Tourism Organisation has launched the Sanitized Venue programme after reading a preceding report that over 80% potential tourists pay much attention to hygiene standards in venues they are planning to...
utworzone przez Paweł Rozen | cze 24, 2020
#WarsawIsReady promotional video Poland opened its borders to European Union countries and resumes international air connections from July1. Warsaw is preparing to receive first foreign tourists after the lockdown. On this occasion, together with the Warsaw Tourism...
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