WSAVA Congress 2026 in Warsaw
We share some positive news – the WSAVA 2026 congress is coming back to Warsaw !!
This event, planned for 2020, was confirmed at the turn of 2016 and 2017 thanks to year – long efforts of Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association and on Warsaw side from EXPO XXI and the Warsaw Convention Bureau.
Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic changed these plans and the WSAVA congresses planned for 2020 took place virtually in March 2021.
The authorities of the organization noticed great organization of both congresses and during te General Assembly of the World Small Veterinary Association in November 2021, delegates from 172 countries unanimously decided that the WSAVA Congress in 2026 will be organized again in Warsaw.
The congress World Small Animal Veterinary Association is a one of top worldwide veterinary event, lasts 4 days, will gather more than three thousand participants and rotates every year between the regions of Asia and Oceania, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Americas.
The WSAVA 2026 World Congress is a well known science conference during which practicing small animals veterinarians share their professional experiences with each other.