Get to know WTO members’ offers through Poland: Online Site Inspection

Thanks to close cooperation between Warsaw CvB and Polish Tourism Organisation (PTO) – Poland Convention Bureau, the latter has launched the first edition of Poland: Online Site Inspection presenting, among others Warsaw Tourism Organization’s (WTO) members. The new tool is a comprehensive online guide for meeting planners. It allows event organisers to interactively and individually explore conference facilities (hotels, venues), restaurants and incentive attractions. Poland: Online Site Inspection features detailed information about over half a thousand venues and attractions in Poland. Aneta Książek – Head of Poland CvB section ensures „(…) that thanks to further cooperation with local industry partners the tool will be successively supplemented and developed.”

Poland: Online Site Inspection follows latest general marketing trend in the meetings industry – to maintain the interest of foreign meeting planners during the pandemic. It is worth mentioning that in march 2020 Warsaw CvB shared an interactive map with 360° tours around our partner facilities. The virtual site inspection is available at: