Museum of Warsaw

Venue category: Unique venue

Rynek Starego Miasta 28-42
00-272, Warszawa
Tel. +48 22 277 43 35

Distance from the airport: 10.5 km
Distance to the city centre: 2.6 km

The Museum of Warsaw is as unique as the city itself. Rebuilt from the rubble after WW2, the recently renovated Museum of Warsaw is housed in a row of eleven tenements featured on the UNESCO List of World Heritage. The museum offers excellent spaces to rent, suitable for special events such as conferences, seminars, film shows, dinners, or cocktails, as well as for some exclusive intimate VIP meetings. The space is available in the museum’s main building at the Old Town Square, as well as in other departments.

Photo gallery:

Available rooms and settings:

NameArea [m2]Max. number
of person
Shape (number of seats)






Lapidarium 220 200
Zadaszony dziedziniec 120 80
Sala konferencyjne "Piwnice Staromiejskie" 43 48
Sala kinowa 55 47
Sala konferencyjna "Świetlik" 43 25